Arma 3 Black Hawk Down

Arma 3 Black Hawk Down Rating: 3,9/5 3055 votes

Finaly, i can give you a video made by Discovery channel, it's 'The True story of Black Hawk Down'. That was on History a day or two ago. I suggest reading the book if you have time, also try In the company of heroes, by Michael Durrant, the chopper pilot who was captured. Everything about the ARMA game series by Bohemia Interactive on reddit! Game updates, videos, pictures, discussions, help, and more. So, I love playing ACE Missions with ACRE and stuff like that - Nothing special, most people in this subreddit do that. But: My favorite movie is Black Hawk Down, and I'd love to see something like that in ArmA 2. I wrote a list of team members.

Created ByREYMAS (aka Capital)'WELCOME TO THE MUQ'March 16th, 2019: DEVGRU unit, designated TALON, is deployed to Airbase Kingmaker in Mogadishu, tasked with the rescue of four captured US citizens within enemy territory.INTRODUCTIONOperation Slamdance is my very first released mission for Arma 3.I am very new to modding, scripting and mission making, so please go easy on me if I've made some egregious errors. That being said, I am open to all manner of feedback and critique. The mission is inspired by the release of MOG by Variable.A, Operation: Gothic Serpent, Black Hawk Down, Act of Valor and Lato's 'Hunter-Six' mission. The main concept behind this mission is bringing a fictional near-future Somali conflict into the focus, through the eyes of a 16-man DEVGRU unit known as TALON-Blue (formerly VIKING-Blue).

Arma 3 Black Hawk Down Mission

This will not be the only time I create a mission centering around TALON and will hopefully find ways of fleshing them out character-wise in the future.This is a fairly heavily modded mission and relies on many excellent mods to work properly. Most of these mods are unit mods however and do not change gameplay so you may use your choice of gameplay mods as you see fit.

I have toyed with the idea of doing a vanilla-as-possible version but it just doesn't feel right. If there is high demand for it I might give it a shot. The mission is designed to be semi-sandbox, with lots of randomization for objective locations and should engage the player in some highly intense medium to close range urban combat.As I am very new to modding ArmA I was advised to focus on making a solid SP mission before venturing into the realm of CO-OP.

BACKGROUNDFor almost two decades, Somalia has been on the road to recovery. Establishing a democratic federal government and creating true infrastructure in what was once an impoverished and war-torn nation, Somalia was on the verge of becoming a thriving, self-sufficient nation. Now it seems, all of that good work seems set to unravel.Following the parliamentary coup in early 2018, Somalia quickly began backsliding into a nation of bloody civil unrest. The pirate clans, united under the notorious warlord Mansuur Farrah Tawfiiq, and allied with the Habr Gedr, have ravaged the Southern half of the country under the name SLM - the Somali Liberation Movement - for the better part of a year.

The SLM initially posed as a peaceful protest group against the Somali Federal Government established in 2012, but it quickly turned into a bloody and powerful regime that has all but trampled the new Somalia in its wake.Thanks to arms shipments from the Middle East and alleged ties with ISIS, the Islamic-led SLM had been able to hold most of their territory through the end of 2018. With the bodycount piling up and famine once against ravaging the Somali people, the world could no longer turn a blind eye.In December of 2018, a brigade of United Nations Peacekeepers arrived in Northern Somalia, and began training what was left of the Somali National Army. During this time, several US liasons were sent to accompany the UN forces and provide consultation and training as needed. Additionally, humanitarian aid was sent in along with the UN World Health Organization to combat the spread of malaria as a result of the uprooted infrastructure in the country.After several bloody ambushes of UN convoys by SLM fighters, the SLM managed to claim the capitol of Mogadishu for its own.On March 9th, 2019, a detachment of US Marines from 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, were tasked with siezing and holding Mogadishu's airport, thereby establishing Airbase Kingmaker, from which Operation: Slamdance would be conducted.

The goal of this operation was the ultimate liberation of Mogadishu from SLM forces and the capture or elimination of General Tawfiiq, heretofor designated as 'HVT Moses.' Due in part to the US military's history in Somalian conflicts, only a single Battalion was permitted to be deployed and every effort was made to avoid the mistakes of the past. SITUATIONENEMY FORCES:Approximately 1000 irregular infantry militiamen garrisoned within the city limits. Company sized element of regular SLM armed forces - splinter units from the Somali National Army loyal to General Tawfiiq. Motorized technicals - pickups, range rovers and surplus UAZs bearing M2.50 cal, AGS 40mm, DshK 12.7mm and SPG-9 73mm Rocket Launchers.

Black hawk down

Stratic DshKs on tripods, Podnos 60mm mortars and ZU-23 Anti-aircraft cannons.FRIENDLY FORCES:Battalion sized element USMC MAGTF: 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment. DEVGRU Assault squadron Talon-Blue.03.09.19: USMC MAGTF comprised of 1st Battalion, 5th Marines lands at and secures the Mogadishu Airport, designated Airbase Kingmaker.03.13.19: A helicopter carrying a US Navy pilot, a WHO doctor, a CIA liason and a US journalist, is forced to land in a clearing North of the city after taking small arms fire from a nearby compound. The four US citizens are subsequently captured alive by SLM forces and are being held in downtown Mogadishu.

It is believed that they are to be ransomed to ISIS contacts in exchange for more weaponry.03.16.19: A 16-man US Navy DEVGRU unit, designated 'TALON' is deployed to Airbase Kingmaker at 0500 with the primary objective of rescuing these four hostages from SLM forces, and secondary objectives to knock out SLM support units and weapon caches prior to the main USMC assault force cordons and sweeps the city. MISSION:'Snap in, gentlemen.'

The situation is this: as you're already aware, four US citizens have been captured by the Somali Liberation Movement forces and are being held somewhere in the city. We believe the SLM are using them as deterrent for our artillery and CAS elements so they're likely spread out. We may get lucky, however, and they may not have been separated just yet.

Comm chatter indicates they're also looking to ransom a few of them to their ISIS contacts in exchange for more arms shipments. I'm sure I don't need to tell you, that would be the very last outcome desirable from our end.' You'll be looking to rescue four hostages in total: Dr.

Ralph Patrick, WHO, Liason Kevin Jurgenson, CIA, Jimmy Nolan, USAF Pilot and Noah Westbrook, CNN reporter. MAGTF 02 has determined the most likely buildings in which they'd be held, and they've been marked on your map.' As for enemy troop strength, expect heavy, but largely untrained resistance. The SLM and their allied militias are held up in Mogadishu's city center. They have the place locked down tight.

RPG and machinegun teams on rooftops, elevated DshKs, Technicals, the whole nine. We also have reason to believe they have at least one armored unit somewhere in the city, so keep your heads on a swivel. We expect they've set up a number of roadblocks as well.' Now, as for your secondary objectives, we can't authorize any air support until those ZU-23s are denied operability. Same goes for the mortar teams, Kingmaker wants those taken out before 1/5 makes its move, so be sure to pack a helping of C4 when you gear up. The weapon caches are of minor importance and are to be treated as a target of opportunity.' Also, be advised, while most of the civilian population have fled the city, we have reports that a few remain and some may be hostile to US forces, so be on your guard around any civvies you may come across.

Arma 3 Black Hawk Down Gameplay

If a civvie picks up a weapon, ROE states you put 'em down without hesitation.' Navy brass has also stated that they'd like to keep collateral damage to a minimum, but I'm here to tell you right now: Fuck. If you get into some rough trade out there, spare no expense whatsoever on staying alive.' Last thing, nothing's been confirmed as of yet, but there is a strong belief that HVT Moses is presently in the AO somewhere. I'm not askin' for any rambo bullshit, but if you get eyes on that scumbag, you have a greenlight to ruin his day, copy?' Look, I know what you're all thinking.

Motherfucking Black Hawk Down, am I right? But this ain't the movies, and we ain't Rangers. Get in fast, do the job and get back in one piece. Pentagon's already got a whole bundle of sticks up its ass about this OP. We can ill-afford some international crisis bullshit repeating itself, do I make things crystal?' Quick note on operational semantics.

Navy comsec does not want personnel referring to the city as MOG or THE MOG. Too many bad memories I guess. You call it anything, it's MUQ. You ask me, though, call it Sally Shit-Eating Struthers for all I care, just don't get bogged down in it.'

Right then, if there are no questions, you know what to do. Welcome to the MUQ, gents!'

- Major Charles Ingram,USN DEVGRU Command. TASKING01 - PRIMARY - Rescue HostagesThere are four US citizens who have been taken hostage by SLM forces. Building locations where they are possibly being held are marked on your map. They are likely heavily guarded so proceed with caution.

We cannot afford to allow the SLM to ransom these hostages. Make sure they are returned safely to Kingmaker and brought to the command tent for debrief.02A - SECONDARY - Destroy Anti-Aircraft EmplacementsThe SLM have managed to get their hands on three ZU-23 Anti-Air cannons. All friendly air units are grounded until you can take them out.

We've marked their approximate positions on your map but they're moved around regularly so be on the lookout. In order to get CAS and air transport running again, all three must be eliminated.02B - SECONDARY - Destroy Mortar PositionsAt least three Podnos mortar crews have been sighted in the city center.

They are threatening to dial in on Airbase Kingmaker. Their approximate positions are marked on your map. Take them out before they can zero any friendly targets.03 - TERTIARY - Destroy Weapon CachesThere are five enemy weapon caches hidden around the city.

We don't have solid intel on any specific locations, but if the opportunity should arise and you find one of these caches, by all means render it useless to the enemy. They're likely guarded by a handful of militia so watch yourselves. SUPPORTSeveral support elements are on station for you to utilize as you see fit.

Be advised however, all air units are presently grounded until enemy AA emplacements are knocked out:. HALBEARD: M109E Mobile Artillery x2. SNAKEBITE: 81mm Mortars x3. HUMPBACK: CH-47d Chinook Heavy Air Transport x1. MUSTANG: UH-1Y Huey Medium Air Transport x2. WHIPLASH: MH-6 Little Bird Light Air Transport x3. HAVOC: UH-1Y Venom Medium Air Assault x2.

MAYHEM: AH-6 Little Bird Light Air Assault x2EDIT 1: A few corrections and additions.EDIT 2: Added Briefing Content.EDIT 3: Troubleshooting mod install added.Edited September 28, 2015 by First off, props for using those great mods again. I never liked vanilla units and equipment.The briefing is excellent, provides every detail. I only managed to play through it at Medium version, though my Arma graphics settings are VH-Ultra. Max version was simply too much for my PC lol.It's an atmospheric mission with some fierce urban firefight and i generally liked it. If this was your first mission then i can say it's great. Keep in mind though that massive urban missions are real real taxing in Arma.

I don't know how many people will be able to enjoy this mission at Max version while keeping VH/Ultra graphics settings. First off, props for using those great mods again. I never liked vanilla units and equipment.The briefing is excellent, provides every detail. I only managed to play through it at Medium version, though my Arma graphics settings are VH-Ultra. Max version was simply too much for my PC lol.It's an atmospheric mission with some fierce urban firefight and i generally liked it. If this was your first mission then i can say it's great.

Keep in mind though that massive urban missions are real real taxing in Arma. I don't know how many people will be able to enjoy this mission at Max version while keeping VH/Ultra graphics settings.Yes indeed, it says first 'released' mission, but aside from messing around in the editor to preview modded units before, or manipulating others' missions to my own liking, this is the only time I've made any mission from the ground up.It seems a pretty common noob thing to overload a mission with AI, and I fell right into that trap! But, like I always say: There's No Kill Like Overkill!I did do my best to optimize it for sure, thanks mostly to GrumpyOldMan's AIControl script. Medium is probably recommended for most average PC setups on singleplayer (I will note that in the description), I can get 40fps on MAX at Very High but that's not good enough for most people, which is understandable.Thank you SO much for the feedback. Hellocan't play the mission:huh:So, where is the problem:blink:Interesting! So CABuildings is part of AiA or A3MP but I do not have either of them active in my mods, I just have them installed and I can play the mission fine. Maybe it doesn't matter?

I will add that to the mod list just in case.MOG does not require either of those addons (as it comes with them pre-packed) so it says but perhaps you need at least those files to get it working.That's so strange that it's not working for you but works for me. Ugh more mods to add, SORRY GUYS!

I am the nooblord!You're awesome for trying it out btw! I hope you can get it working! Did you get to mission completion?Did everything seem to work okay, did you try skipping time, equipping silencers/NVGs/IR lasers, dismissing and reattaching units?Did you use any support elements, if so did they work properly for you?Did you find the AI aggressive but inaccurate?Did you die and reload a lot or were you fairly safe the whole time?Was your team AI doing its job or would they bug out from time to time?Any AI team mates get stuck in houses?Any other details you can provide would be a great help as I am SO new to this. If you'd rather not take the time though, no worries!I get through the end, there was no game breaking bugs.Didn't use time skipping. But i ordered them to equip suppressors and lasers and it worked great. Btw, it's really good you thought of that, really nice feature.I used attack and transport choppers, they worked fine as far as Arma engine can handle it.I use ASRAI mod and i can tell you those guys knew how to shoot;) They even nailed me few times from mid-range though i was rushing to complete the mission i guess.

So yeah, i died few times. I didn't notice friendly AI getting stuck though they wandered like idiots in tight streets, however, it's just the Arma thing. I always preferred open ground exactly cause AI starts loosing it in the tight urban space.Btw, i moved all 16 troopers at the same time in armored vehicles. Kinda multi-pronged attack:D And we extensively used vehicle MGs to clear the streets.You have 40fps at MAX and VH graphics settings? Wow, what's your PC specs?I have i5-3570 @ 4.6Ghz, 8GB DDR3 @ 1600 CL9, GTX960 @ 1505/8000MHz and i couldn't get 20fps in the city at MAX version. I'll try to answer the best i can:I get through the end, there was no game breaking bugs.Didn't use time skipping. But i ordered them to equip suppressors and lasers and it worked great.

Btw, it's really good you thought of that, really nice feature.I used attack and transport choppers, they worked fine as far as Arma engine can handle it.I use ASRAI mod and i can tell you those guys knew how to shoot;) They even nailed me few times from mid-range though i was rushing to complete the mission i guess. So yeah, i died few times. I didn't notice friendly AI getting stuck though they wandered like idiots in tight streets, however, it's just the Arma thing. I always preferred open ground exactly cause AI starts loosing it in the tight urban space.Btw, i moved all 16 troopers at the same time in armored vehicles. Kinda multi-pronged attack:D And we extensively used vehicle MGs to clear the streets.You have 40fps at MAX and VH graphics settings? Wow, what's your PC specs?I have i5-3570 @ 4.6Ghz, 8GB DDR3 @ 1600 CL9, GTX960 @ 1505/8000MHz and i couldn't get 20fps in the city at MAX version.Ah good to know, awesome! I think the AI mod likely overrides any trigger-based settings so yeah that makes sense.Thanks again for the feedback, great stuff!And yeah I have 16gigs of DDR2400 which is probably where the advantage is, and my processor is i7 and has 12 cores hyper-threaded.

My graphics card is AMD though and has 4gigs vram so idk. Also you can set custom options in the launcher so ArmA will use more ram/cpu threads, etc.(you probably know that though). Makes things a lot smoother for me usually. Your mission souns really interesting, but are fiveteen mods as dependency really necessary?

As example RHS even has HUMVEEs, so why is it necessary to download two other mods with HUMVEEs?It is your mission and your decision, but I am sure that many players do not download this mission because of this big list with stuff we have to download before. Maybe a light version at least of the medium version would be helpful.Mods you could remove: HAFM Humvees, EWK Humvee Extension, LP-GPNVG-18s, CAF Aggressors (Massis pack has enough OPFOR). Your mission souns really interesting, but are fiveteen mods as dependency really necessary? As example RHS even has HUMVEEs, so why is it necessary to download two other mods with HUMVEEs?It is your mission and your decision, but I am sure that many players do not download this mission because of this big list with stuff we have to download before. Maybe a light version at least of the medium version would be helpful.Mods you could remove: HAFM Humvees, EWK Humvee Extension, LP-GPNVG-18s, CAF Aggressors (Massis pack has enough OPFOR). It is exactly my position at this time: this mission seems really well built but I will not downlaod all those mods as I am already using a quite complete set of mods (CBA, RHS, AIA TP, ASR AI.) There must be some redundancies between RHS, Massi's 4 mods, Leight and CAF?Totally fair critique, guys. 100% understood.

To be fair, Lato said the same thing and he helped me make the damn thing! It doesn't help that I run like 80+ mods anyway unless I'm playing some public MP.Would you guys believe that there were MORE mods required prior to release? I paired it down to this, haha!Overkill seems to be the hallmark of a lot of new mission designers, and I'm no exception, but I do always say 'there's no kill like overkill.' But in all seriousness, yes, this is the kind of demand I was talking about that might prompt me to do a VAP (Vanilla As Possible) version.However, in the mean time let me detail precisely what each mod is used for:. MOG by Variable.A/7Cav - This is the map of course, ha!. Massi's NATO & Russian Weapons - Prereq for any other Massi mods. Massi's NATO & Russian Vehicles - Prereq for any other Massi mods.

Massi's SOCOM - Player characters are DEVGRU from this pack. Massi's MARSOC - Kingmaker airbase elements are USMC from this pack. Totally fair critique, guys. 100% understood. To be fair, Lato said the same thing and he helped me make the damn thing! It doesn't help that I run like 80+ mods anyway unless I'm playing some public MP.Would you guys believe that there were MORE mods required prior to release? I paired it down to this, haha!Overkill seems to be the hallmark of a lot of new mission designers, and I'm no exception, but I do always say 'there's no kill like overkill.'

But in all seriousness, yes, this is the kind of demand I was talking about that might prompt me to do a VAP (Vanilla As Possible) version.However, in the mean time let me detail precisely what each mod is used for:. MOG by Variable.A/7Cav - This is the map of course, ha!. Massi's NATO & Russian Weapons - Prereq for any other Massi mods. Massi's NATO & Russian Vehicles - Prereq for any other Massi mods. Massi's SOCOM - Player characters are DEVGRU from this pack. Massi's MARSOC - Kingmaker airbase elements are USMC from this pack.

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