Embermage Build Torchlight 2

Embermage Build Torchlight 2 Rating: 3,5/5 2954 votes

Welcome to Runic Games Fansite, the premier torchlight 1 and torchlight 2 modding community, courtesy of ModDrop. Discover new Classes, Items, Maps, Pets, Monsters, Characters, Skills, Spells, Weapons and UI mods. We’ve integrated the ModDrop mod manager, making it easy to download and install mods with just one click. Solo Berserker/Embermage builds? (self.Torchlight) submitted 4 years ago by lennji. HI, I'm pretty new to Torchlight 2 and I enjoy the Berserker and Embermage the most after playing through the first few acts. I am kind of running around killing stuff and picking up loot and equipping random stuff that seems better.

Spell: Elemental OverloadThis is the answer when Elemental Boon is on cooldown and you need some damage boost.Alternately cast this spell and Elemental Boon during long run.And cast both this spell and Elemental Boon during boss fight to provide burst damage.Spell: Heal AllThe spell is good to support you and your party.Tome: ConcentrationPassively increases your mana recharge rate.Nice additions for the build since you are spamming Prismatic Bolt.Tome: Animal HandlingPassively increases the power of your Astral Ally and pet. DEFINITIVE ELITE PRISMATIC BOLT EMBERMAGE GUIDE with wand + shieldTABLE OF CONTENT:1 - SKILLS2 - SKILLS CHOICE3 - LEVELING4 - ROTATION5 - HOTKEYS6 - STATS7 - ITEM BUILD8 - SPELLS9 - PET SPELLS10 - PET FOOD11 - TIP12 - BEST-IN-SLOT ITENS13 - BEST SOCKETS1 - SKILLS:FIREImmolation Aura 15Charge Mastery 5Elemental Attunement 5Fire Brand 15FROSTHailstorm 15Frost Phase 1Ice Prison 15Frozen Fate 1Ice Brand 15STORMPrismatic Bolt 15Death's Bounty 15Lightining Brand 152 - SKILLS CHOICE:Elemental Boon has a short duration and long cooldown, so it was dropped.

But I won't denie that the bonuses it has are great.I've read some reports saying that Astral Ally isn't worth, so it was dropped. Also, with the recommended pet spells you'll have a small army for yourself and Ice Prison + Hailstorm + Frozen Fate does a great crowd control.Thunder Locus and Frost Wave are really good AoE, but in this build I choosed Hailstorm. To be honest, you even won't use Hailstorm for AoE, you'll just cast Hailstorm for the crowd control it causes stuning and freezing, and for the eletrical damage bonus the hailstorm tier has. After casting Hailstorm once, you'll spawn Prismatic Bolt to wipe your foes.There weren't points left for Prismatic Rift, but if you play it correctly you won't need it.Although many people says that at end game you won't have problems with mana, Charge Mastery is great for the 25% damage bonus that embermages receive when charged, and also gives a great help with mana issues at early game.Fire Brand/Ice Brand/Lightining Brand greatly increase the damge of Prismatic Bolt.

If you're a noob and doesn't know, Prismatic Bolt hits causes burn, freezes and shocks, so they trigger the brands.Elemental Attunement is necessary because at end game you'll spent a lot of time moving between your attacks with Prismatic Bolts, and keeping the status effects up are essential to deal a high damage with the brands (Fire Brand/Ice Brand/Lightining Brand).Ice Prison is a great crowd control, so it was maxed.To spend at least 1 skill point in Frozen Fate is mandatory for crowd control. But if you disagree, you may spend this point in Astral Ally.Immolation Aura is a good defensive bonus.Frost Phase is essential for mobility and dodging. One level is mandatory and enough.Death's Bounty is a great help for survivability.3 - LEVELING:As soon as possible, take the skill point form magma spear and put it at Prismatic Bolt. Keep Prismatic Bolt at level 1 until your character is at least level 20 or more, or you'll have mana issues and the first levels of prismatic bolt doesn't greatly increase it's damage.The second skill you'll need it's charge mastery. Get it to level 5 ASAP.At the beggining the brands are not very effective without elemental attunement, keep that in mind when chosing what passive skill to upgrade.

Get at least one level of each brand, them get level 5 of elemental attunement, then upgrade the brands.Always keep a preference to get level 1 of the active skills, and then maximising the brands (ice/fire/lightiningh brands). When you start to invest skill points at any active skill, give a preference for it until it gets at a level multiple of 5, then start to invest at another skill. At the early game you'll really want the Hailstorm and Immolation tier 5 bonus.Investing heavily in Ice Prison until it's maxed is not a bad idea. The crowd control it offers is essential for surviving.4 - ROTATION:1 - Always keep Elemental Protection and Immolation Aura up.2 - If you're facing a boss or a elite, cast Elemental Overload and Dervish whenever you get charged and the cooldown is up. Also, use a vampiric spider egg or a warsnouts at the beggining of the battle.3 - Use ice prison for crowd control. It's also very useful against bosses and elites, not only crowds.4 - If you're facing a crowd or have health/mana issues, use Death's Bounty.5 - Cast Hailstorm for the bonus it gives for eletrical damage with it's tier and for crowd control.6 - Spam Prismatic Bolts.At any moment during the rotation, run or use Frost Phase to keep distance from your enemies and dodging spells so you don't get killed. To stay still during a battle it's to flirt with death.5 - HOTKEYS:I like to put the Spells (Dervish/Elemental Overload/Elemental Protection), pet food and Immolation at the bar, so I can easily cast them (it also helps remembering to cast them).

At the right click I rotate betwen skills using the hotkeys F1 (Ice Prison), F2 (Death's Bounty), F3 (Hailstorm), F4 (Prismatic Bolt) and F5 (Frost Phase).6 - STATS:Aim for the following stats, without bonuses:STRENGHT 5Strenght is useless for embermages.DEXTERITY 53Dex 53 gives critical and dodge chances ate base 10%.FOCUS 342The main stat for embermages, it increases the magical damage of skills.VITALITY 140Vit 140 gives a base 35% armor bonus and 24% block chance.At the beggining, put stats points at the ratio 1:3:1 dex/focus/vitality. When dex gets 53, start to put stats points at the ratio 3:2 focus/vitaliy until vitality gets 140. After that, put all your stats points at focus.7 - ITEM BUILD:This build was made considering you'll use a wand + shield.Stats you should be looking for (Also for Enchantments!), in order of priority:+ Focus (this is the best stat for any embermage)+ Health+% all damage+ Damage reduction+% Cast Speed+ Elemental/Physical armor+% critical chance+% critical damage+ block+ dodge+ mana8 - SPELLS:Dervish VIElemental Overload VIElemental Protection VITreasure Hunter VI until you're full item build. After that, use the Spell Blocking VI9 - PET SPELLS:Heal All VISummon Nether Imp VSummon Skeleton VISummon Zombies VI10 - PET FOOD:Vampiric Spider Egg and Warsnouts are great.11 - TIP:Keep any VENDOR BOON SCROLL to use it only when you have a lot of money (at least 2 milion gold) and at an area level 100 or more (like Tarroch's Tomb at new game +). Then you may have the chance to buy one best-in-slot item.12 - BEST-IN-SLOT ITENS:There are many good wands and shields, use the ones you found with the best status according to the topic 'Item Build'.Trancendent BracersTrancendent SashTrancendent MantleAscendant HelmetAscendant ArmorAscendant PantsAscendant BootsTrancendent Icon2x Alchemist Ring of EmberAlthough the ascedant seems to be the best choice for gloves, belt and shoulder due to it's extra socket slot and higher armor, you should remember that you can add a second socket to the transcedent items. Despiste the fact that the trancendent physical armor is lower, the other item stats are much better.And ascendant and trancendent items are from the same set, so with my recommendation you`ll have all the set bonuses till 8 pieces.About the rings, you won't need to complete the Transcedent Set, because the alchemist ring of ember is so far superior to the trancendent ring that the last two bonus of the trancendent set are surpassed.13 - BEST SOCKETS:Weapon sockets: 1 rambren skull. If you have more than one socket slot, use rambren skulls and whorlbarb skulls at the ratio 1:1 with preference to rambren.Armor/Trincket sockets: use at the ratio 2:1:1 Wfuntir Skull/Skull of Limoany/Skull of Riechliu.

With all best-in-slot itens and adding an extra socket to the trancedent items and rings, you'll have a total of 20 armor sockets. At this point you should be using 10 wfuntir, 5 limoany and 5 riechliu.THANKS FOR THE ATTENTION AND SORY FOR MY ENGLISH FLUENCY. For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: Show Details NecessaryHubPages Device IDThis is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons.LoginThis is necessary to sign in to the HubPages Service.Google RecaptchaThis is used to prevent bots and spam. AkismetThis is used to detect comment spam.

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Embermage Build Torchlight 2

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Torchlight 2 Embermage Build 2016

Torchlight II is a sequel to a successful and well-received hack-and-slash from 2009. The game builds on the mechanics present in the original production, while the story follows a hero who sets in a journey in search of the source of a greater evil. The game was developed by Runic Games Studios founded by Max Schaefer, Erich Schaefer (who worked on the famous Diablo), and Travis Baldree (the creator of Fate).Torchlight II story is set a couple of years after the events in the first game. One of the previously met heroes – the Alchemist – was possessed by dark forces, destroyed the mining town of Torchlight, and stole the power essence of the dragon Ordraka, the main antagonist of the first game. Players have to hunt down the villain and prevent the violation of the balance of elements.Taking the script outside the undergrounds of Torchlight village made it possible for developers to let their imagination run wild and create open worlds characterized by variable weather conditions and day/night cycle.


Embermage Build Guide Torchlight 2

While exploring the world, player often comes across randomly generated events – taking part in them brings significant benefits. This randomness also applies to the dungeons – every time you enter such a location you are surprised by different set of opponents, treasures, as well as level construction.Just before starting the game, Torchlight II offers you to create your own hero. This can be done using a simple editor, which allows you to select the character’s sex, class (one of four: the Embermage – an equivalent of the Alchemist from first Torchlight – the resourceful Engineer, the savage Barbarian, and the guns-wielding Outlander), and adjust their appearance.In Torchlight II, there are also a lot of new features directly related to the game mechanics. By far the most interesting ones can be found in the co-op mode, in which you can play with other players via local network or the Internet. In the latter case, players are matched together with an internal system of matchmaking that takes into account such factors as the experience level and players’ preferences. In co-op mode, players explore randomly generated dungeons or other locations, fight dozens of enemies, and develop their characters.The game uses a redesigned user interface, which is clearer and more intuitive than the one known from the first game.

Embermage Build Torchlight 2 Prismatic Bolt

Moreover, in Torchlight II animals make a return (they are helpful in combat or for transporting items), so does fishing as a form of relaxation. After completing the game, you can use the same experienced hero (with all the equipment) and replay the game in New Game Plus mode with re-scaled opponents.Torchlight II sports similar visual arts as the first game. Although the graphics did improve technically, it still has the eye-pleasing cartoonish vibe of the original.

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