Ftl No Rebel Fleet

Ftl No Rebel Fleet Rating: 4,1/5 7219 votes

FTL feels like it was always meant to rely on touch controls.Subset Games’ 2012 indie darling returns in bigger and badder form with the new Advanced Edition. On top of all the new stuff – which we’ll get to momentarily – there’s also the game’s first-time appearance as a non-PC game, with an iPad release.

If you feel that there is something missing from the Rebel Fleet then please feel free to say so. Things that I plan to do: - Add more crew members (I plan to move it up to 11) - Finish the Rebel Assault Frigate and release V3.1 - Begin work on the Rebel Light Cruiser. Changelog V3-The mod has evolved into a rebel fleet mod! Game: Faster Than Light. When logged in. Disable Rebel Pursuit - Advanced Edition; Disable Rebel Pursuit - Advanced Edition. Oddly it seems like you cannot disable the fleet advance anymore. Because despite the setting to turn it off is done, it still does it anyway.

Really, we’ve got two separate considerations here. There’s the game itself, which receives the new content on Mac, Linux, and Windows as a free update, and the Advanced-enhanced iPad version, which complements the newly updated game with exceptionally well-executed touch-based controls.Let’s start from the beginning. The game gives you God-like control over a Federation spaceship that’s charged with ferrying critical information across multiple sectors of space while the evil rebel fleet gives pursuit. The simple-yet-stylish graphics and top-down perspective suggest more of a retro vibe, but there’s a whole lot of depth here. The only truly set quantity is the ship that you start with; you can unlock multiple ships and variants over time, but you’ve got to stick to the one you start your game with.

That’s OK, since you’ll be starting plenty of new games. Death comes frequently (and often without warning) in FTL as you travel from system to system, and sector to sector. You play by calling up the star map once your FTL drive is charged and choosing an adjacent system to travel to. Each new location you visit relates the next chapter in your own little space adventure. What you find as you move from system to system is completely randomized. Sometimes it’s an enemy ship, or a merchant, or a pirate hiding in an asteroid field.

Sometimes it’s those awful space spiders.The game mixes strategy, skill progression, and exploration into a satisfying stew. Combat is a tricky balancing act of juggling power needs across your ship, fixing damage, and zeroing your attacks in on specific enemy systems. Exploration is a total gamble. Distress beacons bring rewards or danger usually both. Traveling through nebulae slows the pursuing fleet down, but at great risk to your own ship.

Ftl No Rebel Fleet

And upgrades are always a choice. You never have enough resources to buy all the nice things.

Do you want cloaking abilities or a larger crew? More powerful weapons? Improved shields?

Is your ship’s reactor upgraded enough to even charge these things? Advanced Edition takes FTL‘s infinitely replayable framework and layers loads more content on top of it.Advanced Edition takes that infinitely replayable framework and layers loads more content on top of it. It adds new ship systems, like Hacking (which provides intel and disrupts enemy systems), Cloning (you can recover dead crew members), and Mind Control (turn enemy crew against itself!). A new alien race, and their ships for you to unlock.

Visual tweaks that communicate information more clearly. And other, smaller additions, like more ship variants, new gear, and an absolutely brutal Hard mode.None of these elements change the game in a fundamental way, they just give you more to do with it. You already had plenty of options to weigh when deciding how to spend your collected scrap ( FTL‘s currency) in a store, but now you’ve got that many more.

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Ftl no rebel fleet mod

Ftl No Rebel Fleet


None of the new ship systems throw the difficulty out of balance. All of them give you an edge if used correctly, but that was always the case in this game. That said, Subset wisely included a main menu option for turning off Advanced Edition content, in a nod to any purists.All of these elements stack up in a great way for all versions of the game, but it’s the iPad release (iPad 2 or higher) that stands out.

FTL feels like it was always meant to rely on touch controls. The iOS version is more than just “the game you know, but now you can touch it too.” Subset put real thought into delivering controls that acknowledge the benefits and weaknesses of touchscreen play versus a mouse and keyboard. Tap a crew member you want to move or a weapon system you want to target, and the game automatically pauses.

Swipe your finger up or down on a ship’s system and you adjust the power distribution. These are smart enhancements that really improve the quality of the portable experience.FTL: Faster Than Light was an outstanding game all the way back in 2012, and the Advanced Edition content doesn’t screw that up at all. This is still one of the finest games to be released in recent years, provided you’re the sort of gamer that appreciates the frequent restarts that go hand-in-hand with any roguelike experience.

Ftl No Rebel Fleet Mod

Subset Games didn’t reinvent anything here; it simply went back and looked at what kicked ass in its original effort, then piled more ass-kickings on top of it.This game was reviewed on a current-gen iPad Mini using a code provided by Subset Games.This review was updated to correct a small factual error. Thanks to commenter RKade8583 for pointing it out. Highs. Standout iPad controls make that the version to own. Advanced Edition to content makes a great game even betterLows. This is not the true sequel you were hoping for.

The rebel ships use advanced technology, and are often better than the other ships at their stage. Rebel crews can be destroyed by boarders, as they only have humans. This is not true for pirated ships, which can even have Mantis.Rebel Fighters typically use Basic Lasers, Burst Laser Mk 1, and Small Bomb in earlier sectors, with Heavy Lasers also commonly used but initially depowered.

In later stages these can become quite a threat with Burst Laser II and sometimes even Burst Laser III, Heavy Laser II, and breach Missiles. In sectors 5 and up crew teleporters are common but luckily the rebel ships always have a crew of only humans. Even if the ship has a medbay it can be defeated with a 4 size teleporter and at least 3 mantis for boarding with one other crew member.Rebel Riggers often use drones, countering missiles and often ships without combat specialists as they send in boarding drones. Rebel Riggers are usually encountered trying to jump away for some reason so target the cockpit and drone control before moving on to the weapons after shields are down. System Repair Drones are almost always aboard these ships after sector 4. Beam weapons are often encountered on these ships and it is not uncommon for a Rebel Rigger to have one Beam Drone and a Mini Beam with no shield damaging weapons.They can have up to at least 4 Drones, some time they 'overcrowd' the drone control room and, as a result, make repair impossible after it's shut down.You will encounter Elite Fighters if the rebel fleet catches up with you, or at the last sector, The Last Stand, where you will commonly fight these at different beacons. It is recommended to stay away from the rebel fleet in the early stages until you manage to upgrade things like your shields, engines and such.

Except for encounters with these ships in The Last Stand, it is generally best to jump away once your FTL is charged, as the pursuing rebel ships provide no reward other than one fuel. Note: Elite Rebel fighters can have TEN in weapon levels.

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